Monday, July 27, 2009

Leadership Best Practices for Sales Managers

Leadership Best Practices for Sales Managers

The results of a recent global study of 1988 sales managers identify key leadership practices tied to effectiveness.
Effective Practices for Sales Managers
The success of organizations depends to a significant degree on the activities of sales managers. But what do we really know about effective leadership among sales managers?
Gateway International, a global leader in assessment-based individual and organizational development, has been studying leadership empirically for over four decades. In a recent global study of leadership effectiveness among sales professionals we found that a number of leadership behaviors reliably distinguish superior leaders (the superstars) from less effective ones.
The Study
1988 sales managers from over 450 organizations were included in the current study. Each leader completed Gateway's LEA 360TM leadership assessment and development tool that measures 22 dimensions of leadership practice (what leaders actually do) and 22 dimensions of leadership effectiveness (how effectively they're perceived by their bosses, peers, and direct reports).
A number of key practices were identified that significantly predicted higher leadership effective ratings.
> Analyze the future impact of their decisions and understand the impact of these decisions throughout the organization.
> Clearly express their thoughts and ideas, keeping others informed of their expectations.
> Maintain in-depth knowledge and expertise in their area.
> Energize others, getting them enthusiastic and involved.
> Are comfortable being the one in charge and seek out opportunities to be influential. They know and accept the fact that they will be under constant scrutiny.
> Demonstrate an active concern for others and form supportive relationships.
> Use effective persuasion to build commitment to their ideas and initiatives.
> Set deadlines and monitor the progress of activities to ensure success.

For More Information:

Staff Review by: Joseph (Joe) Kran, Lawrence (Larry) Maglin and Rick Spann

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